Thursday, May 10, 2012

Testeaza Normaderm impreuna cu mine

   Vichy continua campania de testare Normaderm, si prin aceasta am posibilitatea de a oferi si altor cititoare sansa de a incerca crema Normaderm. 
   Inainte de toate vreau sa va impartasesc parerea mea despre aceasta crema, deoarece am avut ocazia sa o testez. Nu am apucat sa o folosesc decat o saptamana si va voi spune ce rezultate am observat in aceasta perioada. Daca as fi utilizat-o mai mult timp, sunt sigura ca si descrierea mea ar fi fost mai ampla.

   Despre crema Normaderm pot spune urmatoarele:

  • are o consistenta lejera si se absoarbe foarte repede;
  • este destul de hidratanta, chiar daca la inceput am crezut ca nu este de ajuns, eu fiind obisnuita cu creme ce contin uleiuri naturale;
  • matifiaza tenul destul de bine, dar este loc si de mai bine;
  • am obervat o anumita claritate si uniformizare a tenului, iar roseata s-a diminuat mult;
  • usuca cosuletele;
  • tenul este parca mai luminos si mai fin;
  • personal, sunt multumita de aceasta crema si sper ca dupa o mai indelungata utilizare sa se vada si mai multe rezultate.

   Acum, pentru voi cititoarele care vreti sa participati la acest concurs trebuie sa indepliniti urmatoarele conditii: 
  1. Sa dati like paginii de Facebook Vichy Romania;
  2. Sa dati share acestui concurs pe Facebook;
  3. Sa lasati un comentariu in care sa imi spuneti despre problemele tenului vostru si de ce vreti sa incercati aceasta crema. In comentariu sa imi lasati si link-ul de la share.
  4. Va rog sa imi lasati si o adresa de mail pentru cazul in care sunteti castigatoare.
   Concursul se incheie pe 17 mai. Cele mai bune 6 raspunsuri vor fi premiate cu o crema Normaderm.

   Foarte important:
  1. Daca ati castigat la prima campanie nu mai aveti voie sa participati acum.
  2. Puteti sa va inscrieti doar pe un singur blog care organizeaza acest concurs (deci daca va inscrieti pe acest blog, nu mai puteti participa si pe celelalte).
  3. Nu accept inscrieri de pe mai multe conturi (nu este corect fata de ceilalti participanti).
   Acestea fiind spuse, va urez succes!

   Castigatoarele concursului sunt:

  1.   Cristina 
  2.   Nuzy
  3.   Andreea (fb: Andreea Agache)
  4.   Mihaela
  5.   Diana
  6.   Andreea (fb: Andreea Dede)

   Felicitari fetelor, o sa va contactez in cursul zilei de astazi.
   Pentru celelalte fete, va rog nu fiti suparate. V-as fi premiat pe toate daca as fi putut, insa regulile spun ca doar 6 pot fi castigatoare.
   Va multumesc tuturor pentru participare!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Da, imi doresc sa testez Normaderm impreuna cu Clarra!

Ten cu probleme? Da, din nefericire ma incadrez si eu in aceasta categorie, chiar daca in ultimul timp aceste probleme s-au mai ameliorat. Toate acestea au aparut atunci cand eram in liceu si a inceput sa mi se dezvolte acneea. De atunci am parcurs un drum anevoios, cu vizite la dermatologi si multi bani cheltuiti, cu incercari de tratamente auzite de la unul sau de la altul si cu frustrari interioare sau chiar perioade de depresii.

Intr-adevar, calatoria nu a fost una usoara.

Insa, dupa tot acest timp si multe incercari am ajuns sa-mi cunosc tenul si sa stiu ce este mai bun pentru el. Chiar daca acum problemele tenului meu nu mai sunt atat de grave ca la inceput, acestea sunt totusi vizibile si trebuie sa acord o anumita atentie ingrijirii tenului.

Eu am un ten mixt cu tendinte acneice si, pe parcurs mi-am dat seama ca este si sensibil si ca nu pot folosi anumite produse care au in in compozitia lor compusi iritanti. Astfel, folosesc intotdeauna produse care sunt special create pentru tenul sensibil, care nu contin alcool si sunt noncomedogenice.

De aceea sunt entuziasmata de noul produs de la Vichy, si anume, Crema Hidratanta pentru Transformarea Totala a Tenului cu Probleme, varianta reformulata. Am folosit o mostra din prima varianta a cremei si mi-a placut mult deoarece am simtit ca mi-a calmat si hidratat tenul si parca acesta a devenit mai luminos. Nu mi-a produs iritatii si a constituit o buna baza de machiaj. Din acest motiv, pentru mine, aceasta varianta imbunatatita este foarte promitatoare.

Aceasta noua formula a cremei hidratante este conceputa pentru a corecta cele 6 semne ale tenului cu probleme, si anume:

  • Imperfectiuni
  • Pori dilatati
  • Luciu
  • Roseata
  • Pete post-acnee
  • Relief neuniform

Pesonal, cu exceptia ultimului punct, am toate semnele unui ten problematic si simt ca aceasta crema s-ar potrivi tenului meu. 
Si evident ca acesta este un produs noncomedogenic, hipoalergenic si fara parabeni, potrivit pentru tenul sensibil. Acesta este un lucru foarte important pentru mine si sunt pretentioasa la ce pun pe fata. Atat de multe produse destinate ingrijirii tenului contin ingrediente nesanatoase, care dauneaza pielii, incat simt ca este nevoie de o mare atentie in alegerile facute.

Ceea ce face aceasta crema speciala sunt ingredientele care, pe de o parte corecteaza imperfectiunile, iar pe de alta parte hidrateaza.

Ingrediente Dermatologice si Exfoliante:
  • LHA (lipohidroxi acid) - Microexfoliant, elimina celulele moarte de la suprafata pielii
  • Acid Glicolic - Efect de regenerare profunda a pielii
  • Acid Salicilic - Efect antiseptic si exfoliant

Ingrediente Hranitoare si Calmante:
  • Glicerina si uleiuri emoliente - Efect hidratant, ofera pelii o senzatie de confort

Rezultatele la care ne putem astepta:
  • Pielea este integral transformata incepand cu a 7-a zi (rezultate obtinute in urma autoevaluarii calitatii tenului pe 50 de femei)
  • Tenul este curatat
  • Zi dupa zi, tenul este vizibil transformat

Din descrierea acestei creme, trebuie sa spun ca sunt foarte curioasa si imi doresc sa o incerc. 
De altfel, Vichy ofera spre testare acesta crema pe cateva bloguri iar eu am ales sa ma inscriu cu mare placere si entuziasm pe blogul Clarrei, unde 6 bloggeri si 6 cititori vor avea oportunitatea sa testeze aceasta crema. 
Puteti si voi sa va inscrieti pe blogul ei accesand acest link: 

Rules of Happiness - Happiness Is Only Ever Now

“Few of us ever live in the present, we are forever
anticipating what is to come or remembering
what has gone.” - Louis L'Armor

Many pubs in the United Kingdom have an infamous sign
hanging above the bar:

“Free Beer Tomorrow!”

It’s funny because, of course, “tomorrow” never comes.

But when you think about it, how many of us truly live our
lives like that?

We spend so much time waiting to be happy in the future, or
worrying about the past, that we forget to live in the moment.
We fail to realise that happiness can only EVER be now.

Let me give you an example. You’re driving through the city
and your favourite song hits the radio. You’re stuck in traffic,

but loving the music – and you start to crazily sing along.
You really get into it. You’re in the moment. But then you
catch a few jealous faces in nearby cars, and go all shy and

Suddenly you’re no longer living in the moment. You’re
wondering what they’ll think about you. You’re concerned
they’ll disapprove. You freeze up. Your happiness has gone,
and your inhibition has arrived. You’re no longer in the
moment, in the NOW – you’re stuck thinking about wanting
approval from these people, worried what they’ll think of
you outside that moment.


Try to catch yourself at some random point today – and just
check what’s on your mind. If you’re like most people, you’ll
be somewhere other than here and now.

You’ll be thinking about whether you made a good
impression with that guy earlier today. You might be
thinking about the holiday you have planned for next
September. Or how all of your problems will be solved this
time next year.

You’ll be anywhere but in the MOMENT. In fact, we each
spend 95% of our time in the past or the future.

But here’s the thing: Life is transient. The past has gone. The
future is just a dream. The only time that truly exists ever is

In other words, RIGHT NOW is the ONLY time you can do
or change ANYTHING in your life.

You are only ever what exists in THIS MOMENT.

So, are you HAPPY right now? Are you doing
EVERYTHING you’d like to – and feeling THRILLED with
life, as you read these words? If you’re not, then make the
decision to be happy. NOW.

And if you’d like, put down this book, and go fly a kite. Or tell
your partner that you love them. Or get your groovy flares on
and head out to the nearby disco.

NOW is the only time you can change anything. And NOW
is the only time you have.

So, make that simple decision – to be happy NOW.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rules of Happiness - Have a Dream

“A person starts dying when they stop dreaming”
– Brian Williams

Learning how to be happy NOW is a real skill.

They say he who is not happy with what he has, will not be
happy with what he gets.

But it’s equally as important to have a dream to lead you
forward in life.

Everyone who ever did anything started with a dream, a
vision, a goal, a thought. Coupled with that distinctly human
quality, hope.

So, what do YOU dream of?

Would you like to explore the ancient castles of England?
Would you like to act in a local theatre production? Would
you like to write your first novel? Or even your second?

Perhaps you dream of helping your son through college. Or
owning a second home in Miami. Or starting your own
online business. Or having the very best family Christmas

Or ... ?

Dream are critical. They light up life.

Without them, we become bored, and tired, and apathetic.

So, take this opportunity to really clarify your dreams. Take a
pen and paper and spend an hour figuring out what you
really dream about.

Create a scrapbook and fill it with magazine pictures. Write
your dreams on special paper, and put them in an envelope
under your pillow. Scribble them onto scrap paper and burn
it at midnight with a yellow candle, if you wish.

It doesn’t really matter how you record them, ritual or no
ritual. But clarify your dreams, and write them down. They’ll
suddenly take on a new importance, and you’ll automatically
find yourself heading closer toward them.

But whatever you do, make sure you have a dream. They’re
incredibly important.

Dreams are the spark plugs of the spirit.

Make sure yours are ready for action.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Rules of Happiness - Do Random Acts of Kindness

“If you want others to be happy, practice
compassion. If you want to be happy,
practice compassion.” - Dalai Lama

We’ve all felt it.

That spark of happiness which ignites within us whenever we
do a good deed for someone else.

We hold open the door for the elderly lady behind us, and
she returns the favour with a warm, grandmother’s smile.
You bring a box of chocolates into work for no particular
reason, and get the warm attention of all your colleagues.

The more we give, the more we receive.

And one perfect way to add a little extra happiness to your
own life, and the outside world, is to indulge in Random Acts
of Kindness. Or RAKs as I prefer to abbreviate.

So, what are Random Acts of Kindness?

Well, the clue is really in the name. A RAK is a small act of
kindness that you grant to someone else in the world – for
absolutely no reason whatsoever, without expecting
anything in return.

The classic example of a RAK is to pay at a toll booth for the
car behind you. The recipient of the Random Act of
Kindness will not only be flattered and uplifted by your
generous deed, it’s likely they’ll “pay it forward” to someone
else too. And that person may pay it forward yet again.

Indeed, your single Random Act of Kindness could just
change the world.

So, what Random Acts of Kindness could YOU indulge in –
to make yourself, and the world around you, happier?

Donate to a charity shop. Give someone a hug. Write a letter
of appreciation. Say “I love you” to your parents. Pay for
someone behind you. Donate blood. Scrape the ice off a
stranger’s car windscreen.

Do something for them that they can’t. Give $1 of your
money in the best way you can. Become a conservation
volunteer. Give your groceries to a neighbour. Take
someone out for the day. Spend time with a local elder. Send
someone a bunch of flowers, randomly.

Take chocolate into work for sharing, without a reason.
Thank your mentor for their support. Plant a tree. Pick up
litter. Be someone’s biggest fan for a day. Be nice to someone
who looks low. Smile more. Give food to a nearby shelter.
Hold open the door. Give a cup of food at

Remember, it doesn’t have to be exuberant, and it doesn’t
have to cost you a penny.

Just throw a little extra kindness out to the world – and watch
how you find greater happiness starting to flood back into
your own life.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Year Birthday Giveaway

ElleMakeupBlog is having a Naked 2 Palette Giveaway.
Open internationally and it ends on 1st March.


Rules of Happiness - Learn to Let Go

“By letting it go it all gets done. The world
is won by those who let it go. But when
you try and try, the world is beyond
the winning.” – Lao Tzu

Emotions are the things that make us human.

When we cry, we’re experiencing emotion. When we’re
fearful, we’re experiencing emotion. Whenever we’re angry,
upset, passionate, greedy, scared – we’re experiencing

But sometimes emotions need reining in!

They cause us not to make that fantastic speech at the
company conference, because we’re scared of the platform.
They stop us making up with long-gone friends, because
we’re still maddened with anger. They cause us to stay in
relationships that damage us, because we’re still emotionally
addicted to the misshapen void the relationship fills.

Emotions aren’t always good for you. You are NOT your

Emotions are just things that happen, and which you can
(and should) control.

Sure, that sounds easy. But here’s the thing: it actually really is

The best way to let go of our troublesome emotions, the
emotions that are holding us back from happiness, is to
discover the art of releasing.

So, what is releasing?

Releasing is the ability to realize that you are desperately
“gripping” onto emotions in your life. You treat them as if
they’re “you.” It’s about realising you can let go of them,
unclench your fist around them, just by making a simple

How can you start releasing?

The simplest method is just to go through your life,
recognizing where emotions are holding you up. Are you
angry about your home-life situation? Your working hours?
That incident you just had, with the rude guy at the grocery

Bring that issue or situation to the forefront of your mind.
Connect with the emotion.

Then, ask yourself: “Can I let this go?”

Can you let it go? Just for this moment? Could you release
this emotion?

Breathe out, and answer honestly with either “Yes” or “No.”
Either answer is absolutely fine.

If you can let it go, then do it. Really feel yourself letting go.
Feel yourself releasing, unclenching, relaxing, detaching. It
should feel something like when a doctor calls to tell you
those worrying tests have come back all clear: an immediate
release of worry and tension.

And if you can’t let go right now, don’t stress it. Give yourself
permission to hold onto it some more. It’s your decision.

How does that feel? If the emotion still has charge, simply
repeat the process until you feel better – or until you feel like

Remember, letting go doesn’t mean you “forgive” the person
at the grocery store, or you “allow” that kind of behaviour. It
just means that you release the negative emotion inside of you.

By releasing negative emotions, you’ll not only enjoy much
more freedom in your life – you’ll also become more
emotionally stable and less stressed too.